If you’ve ever heard your grandma talk about the benefits of Epsom Salt or Magnesium Sulfate, she knew what she was talking about! Epsom Salt soaks can help in so many ways. Read on and click the links to learn more!
You go to the gym to work out and all is well. However 1-2 days later your body is screaming at you in the form of what I like to call ”the funny walk.” Your legs burn and ache in ways you never thought possible, suddenly everyday tasks like stairs, dressing, and going to the bathroom are arduous chores.
How do you feel better? Take an Epsom Salt Bath. Your body may be low in magnesium and the best way to replenish it is through the skin. A 15 Minute footsoak may be all you need!
Step 1) find a container large enough to fit your feet
Step 2) fill with warm/hot water 2-4” high
Step 3) dissolve ½ Cup Epsom salt and soak feet…. You can do this while surfing the net, reading a book, eating dinner, watching TV etc. – Anything you do daily where you are still and seated for 15 minutes will do the trick!
Caveat though is using the proper amount of Epsom salt – if you go too low you won’t get the healing benefits (for the science folks…you need the right concentration for your skin to properly absorb the magnesium sulfate ) and leave your achy legs behind!